

Jagten på den forsvundne handling - del 5: I morgen er det i morgen

Frederik: Nå, så er vi på Bornholm. Det var en lang flyvetur.
Marcel: Ja. Hvad skal vi så.
Dragen: Vi skal finde nedgangen til de underjordiske huler.
Frederik: Er det den hér.
Dragen: Ja.
Marcel: Det var hurtigt.
Dragen: Ja.

Med den titel kommer man næsten til at tænke på Monty Python:

"Well, it's five past nine and nearly time for six past nine. On BBC 2 now it'll shortly be six and a half minutes past nine. Later on this evening it'll be ten o'clock and at 10.30 we'll be joining BBC 2 in time for 10.33, and don't forget tomorrow when it'll be 9.20. Those of you who missed 8.45 on Friday will be able to see it again this Friday at a quarter to nine. Now here is a time check. It's six and a half minutes to the big green thing."

(Monty Python's Flying Circus, afs. 19)
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